Monday, August 31, 2009

Funny Wedding Kiss: Kiss for Laugh or Laugh for Kiss?

Funny Wedding Kiss Photo, Being Censored!

Funny Wedding Picture: Oh, Honey Dont be Hurry!

Funny Wedding Kiss: Kissing of The Dog

Top Wedding Kiss 2009:
Kiss for Laugh or Laugh for Kiss?

After giving you some pictures about the funny wedding party, now we are giving you funny wedding kiss photos. These funny wedding pictures will make you not only laughing, but also you will think, why do you laugh? Kissing is the main par of wedding. No wedding without kissing. Because kissing is the expression of desire and love. But, Kissing here is too funny, may you will be happy with laughing and know why do you laugh.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Top Funny Photos: Funny Wedding Party

Funny Wedding Photo: Common Baby! We'll late

Funny Wedding Pictures: Horray! finally i have married!

Funny Wedding Party: Oh, No! My husband is a Gay

Wedding After Break: We are so tired!

Best Funny Pictures 2009:
Wedding Makes Life Laugh

Hi, guys! Here are another pictures of the funniest wedding party. Life is just a joke and for fun. So, dont be sad. Get up! Stand up! Push up! sorry..., i mean Rise up! and go for love and laugh. World without love like man without heart, he brokes. World without laugh like heart without love. So, find the true love of your heart and dont forget to laugh for aliving your heart. May These funny pictures can help you to laugh.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Top Funny Pictures: Funny Wedding Party

Owh no! Don't Broke my Gown Sir!

I Know who Married me last Summer

Unusual Wedding: Common, fight me!

Best Funny Pictures 2009:
Funny Wedding Party

Hi, funnylover! we come again with a new funny pictures. Noe we are giving you funny wedding party pictures. many kinds of funny wedding pictures are here. Actually people regard a wedding partty is a sacral ceremony. but now, you can look at the funny version. We just want you enjoy the wedding and may the pictures amuse you too much. We will you another funny pictures in the next post, see you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Law of Nature: Perseids Meteor Shower

People on the telescope to look for Perseids

Perseids come out from the sky

What Do You Know About Perseids Meteor?

Hi, Guys! today gooogle take perseids meteor as its theme. today, google is being symbolized with the perseid meteor, why? and do you know about the perseid meteor? If you dont know more and want to know more about it, its better to read this article. Its not too funny, but its very important.

This meteor shower gets the name "Perseids" because it appears to radiate from the constellation Perseus. The Perseids are so called because the point they appear to come from, called the radiant, lies in the stream that was pulled off the comet as it passed by the comet in 1862. The Perseids (pronounced /ˈpɜrsiː.ɨdz/ us dict: pûr′·sē·ĭdz) are a prolific meteor shower has been observed for about 2000 years, with the comet Swift-Tuttle. Most of the Comet Swift-Tuttle.

The cloud consists of particles ejected by the Sun. The stream in this case is called the Perseid cloud and it stretches along the orbit of the Comet Swift-Tuttle. Meteor showers occur when Earth moves through a meteor stream. However, there is also a relatively young filament of dust in the constellation Perseus.

During the peak, the rate of meteors originating from this filament is much higher than for the older part of the dust in the cloud today is approximately a thousand years old. Lawrence." The shower is visible from mid-July each year, with the greatest activity between August 8 and 14, peaking about August 12. In early medieval Europe, the Perseids came to be known as the "tears of St. The Perseids (pronounced /ˈpɜrsiː.ɨdz/ us dict: pûr′·sē·ĭdz) are a prolific meteor shower coming from the Far East.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Funny Computer Junkie

Washing the computer? oh my God!

It is'nt addicted, Do you believe it?

She is'nt too old for operating the computer

Funny Computer Addiction

Hi, Friends! here are another pictures of funny computer. picture number one, its too funny for washing computer stuff like washing a car, oh my god! picture number two, it shows how addicted people to the computer, even it be brought inside the toilet. picture number three, it is the extra ordinary situation when too old grandma turning on the computer. all the pictures strong enough to make us laugh.

Top Funny Pictures: Funny Computers

Multifunctions CPU, also become a beer bar

Computer junkie can'nt leave the computer at home alone

Funny superhero eating a CTR monitor

Top Funny Pictures 2009:
Funny Computers and Stuff

Now we are presenting to you the other funny pictures. We take computers as a theme. We are presenting to you all about funny computer pictures, just enjoy it!